by matt burns
Sometimes after I mow the great big lawn
I’m all sweaty
And tired
And I want to grab a beer
And plop
And just lie on the freshly-cut lawn
Relishing in the end product of my hard labor
Soaking in the earth’s energy
Plug myself back into the universe
And feel my energy replenished
But I know
That if I do this
My skin will absorb the fertilizers
The pesticides
And the herbicides
This can’t be healthy
I want to enjoy the earth
And absorb its energy
But it’s often difficult to do this
Even if I go in the woods
And lie in there
I get ticks
And I get Lyme disease
Some people say Lyme disease
Was a man-made disease
Made on Plum Island
Either way…
There’s a war out there
An assault on the earth
They want us disconnected from the earth
And all its essential energies
They don't want us in touch with the earth
They want us out of touch
They don't want us in touch with the earth
They want us out of touch