Wednesday, March 16, 2016


So I haven't been doing all that much poetry lately, but, don't worry, because I've been writing more than ever. I recently completed a memoir called "The Natty Ice Diaries" and completed two other non-fiction books called "True Paranormal Stories" and "The Burnzo Papers". The former book, as you may have guessed, is a compilation of paranormal-related stories I've written over the years while the latter book is a compilation of current-events related articles/essays I've written.

I also recently started my sixth novel, a Milton-esque work of religious fiction entitled THE WOMAN AND THE DRAGON. I made a teaser video to promote it, which you can view below. In fact, I've started making teasers for all my novels. Because I'm in a good mood and I like you, I will actually post three other teasers that I made for my novels BLOWTORTURE, JOHNNY CRUISE and SUPERMARKET ZOMBIES (watch them below).

Oh, and one more thing! I have several new and fun short non-fiction stories up at my other blog. Click HERE to check them out!

Thanks for reading, I love your body and stay tuned for more news!

WOMAN AND THE DRAGON (book teaser)

BLOWTORTURE (book teaser)

JOHNNY CRUISE (book teaser)