Friday, December 26, 2014


by matt burns

I've been trying to keep up with it all
Every day is something big and huge
It's all coming at me so fast
I finally catch up
And stay on top of it all
And I'm really proud of myself for it

Then Christmas comes
I scour the news sites
I scour
And I scour
But there's hardly anything
It's not only a slow news day
But there's hardly any news to speak of
I feel a void
I was apparently addicted to being on top of the news
There's nothing!

Curious it is
That there only seems to be big news in the world
When the news people are on the clock
And they're around to report it
And make it into BIG NEWS

When the news people are on a holiday
So isn't the news, it seems
Thus, maybe the news only exists
When the news people are around to fuel it
Build it up
Or maybe even manufacture it

If there's nobody around to report on that tree falling in the forest
Does it actually still make a noise?

Why don't we just take the news people away
That way the news can sleep every day
There will be no more crashing of trees in the world's forest
The world will have less noise
Quiet down
And peace will be restored

World peace can be realized
Simply by ridding the world of the news people

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