Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Bates Hall at the Boston Public Library.

by matt burns

I walk the streets
I take the subway
I go to the public library
I roam Boylston
Newbury Street
Searching for that great poem to manifest itself

On the Green Line
I notice everybody’s buried into their smartphones
There’s got to be a poem there
But I got nothing new that hasn’t been said before

In the library
The bathroom is straight out of a horror movie
Shit, piss, blood, all over the urinals
There must be a poem there
But I don’t have anything except what I just said

I sit in the middle of Bates Hall
There are long
With muted green lamps
Bookshelves line the walls
Domed ceilings
Beautiful architecture from many years ago
I thought this room would give birth to inspiration
It’s got that look to it
Like an early twentieth century writer wrote a novel in here
But all it’s given me is an erection
Because there are tons of beautiful girls in this room
I can’t even concentrate on poetry in here

I guess this is a poem
About a desperate search for a new poem
I thought with all the stuff going on in the city
I’d come up with multiple poems
But no dice

Maybe I should have just stayed at home
Because now I have to pee
And the closest bathroom is the horror show down the stairs
Also, I think my car’s getting ticketed as I speak

Staying at home
And writing about staring at my bedroom wall
Analyzing the squashed mosquito and its guts
Probably would have yielded a better poem
Than what I’m coming up with right now

Urban activity
Tons of different people
It doesn’t necessarily give birth
To much inspiration

The traveling poet roaming around an exciting place
It’s a Romantic concept
But the reality is that
It gives birth to bullshit

Stay at home
Stare at the wall
Analyze the bug juice
You don’t have to be worldly
To come up with good poems

Come to think of it
I think I’ve already written a poem
With this exact theme
Thus nothing new has even been written
Case in point
I should have stayed at home


This poem is dedicated to four deceased writers: Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway...

by matt burns

I find myself
Facing this catch 22
With liquor
And my free-thinking capacities
Here we go

The less I drink
The more pain I feel being alive
But the more I drink
The less pain I feel, this is true
But the more brain cells I kill
Which also
Kind of
Withers away
At my life force
My brain cells
My clear thinking
And my free 

Do away with the booze
And I’m very alive
My brain’s intact
I can think clearly
But I hurt so bad

Keep drinking
And I hurt less
But my brain withers
My thinking is foggy
And when I have less of a brain
I’m less of a human

That’s what stinks about this
Human consciousness thing...
Being fully alive in the world today hurts
So we drink
But drinking makes us less alive
So it’s all about finding a balance, I guess
Which is impossible

For the alcoholic trying to numb the pain
There is no such thing
As balance

Thursday, July 10, 2014


by matt burns

I'm sitting here at my computer
I drank a lot of beer tonight
It’s about 3:30am
I'm watching videos on YouTube
Los Angeles police-chase videos
Helicopter Sky9 something or other
I find the chases so exciting

I'm trying to figure out what's worse
The criminals speeding down freeways at 120-per
Or the news people that are drooling
That somebody gets hit and killed

They say that they fear 'the worst'
But I can hear it in their voice
They want the worst

I have to admit
So don't I
It must be in my blood
It must be in my primal nature
I get off on the worst
At least part of me does
That’s why I can’t stop watching

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


by matt burns

I’m watching the Reality TV show
It’s about a family of celebrities who all run a restaurant
Their big brother Jim is running the Boston Marathon for charity
This is special to them because it’s one year after the bombings
They’re very proud of Jim
He trained hard
And he wants to do it for the city of Boston
He wants to show he has no fear
He’s going to run and not live in fear
The terrorists can kiss his ass
He’s not afraid

Jim runs the marathon
And he completes it in good time
And his family makes a medal for him
The medal says that they’re so proud
And this is basically what the episode is about:
Jim runs the marathon, trains hard for it
Completes it
And the family is very proud of him
They give him a medal
Pat him on the back

I sit there watching the episode of Reality TV
And I’m getting kind of drunk with beer
And I realize it’s the same old story
I see them in basically every show on TV
Especially Reality TV
The producers are desperate for show ideas
So they have the “character” go perform some empty act of charity
Or some empty act of bravery or heroism
Never mind if it means any damn thing
It looks good on TV
So go with it

I don’t know what running a marathon even says
It’s a great personal accomplishment
But that’s it
Go do it
And be proud of yourself for doing it
But don’t announce it on TV
With loud trumpets
Like what Jesus told us not to do in the Gospels
Matthew 6:2
To paraphrase
When you do a charity, don’t blast a trumpet announcing it
Because then you’re not doing it for the sake of doing it
You’re doing it to get your cock sucked by others

So many questions remain surrounding the bombings
So many weird and strange anomalies
But nobody asks the questions regarding what happened
They just run the marathon
And say look how great I am, I’m not afraid!
And everybody sucks each other’s cocks 
And pats each other’s backs
And there’s six hours of TV coverage devoted to sucking Boston’s big cock
But nobody takes any time to think
Nobody takes any time to ponder
Nobody takes any time to ask what happened
People just remain mindless zombies
Swallowing a narrative that they’re told happened
And assume what they’re told is true
And persecute people before proven guilty
Even though nobody saw what happened with their own eyes
And then they carry out empty acts of charity
Empty heroism
And empty bravery
Because that’s what the media tells them to do
That’s what Reality TV tells them to do
That’s what Jim Celebrity tells them to do
In short
That’s what the next page of life’s script tells them to do

I can honestly say tonight
That I’m embarrassed by Boston
And maybe I’m just drunk
And maybe I’ll get my ass kicked by the lynch mob
But Boston should BE STRONG and – not run marathons – but ask questions
And not be weak and participate in the empty
Acts of charity
And heroism
That don’t make a difference
But keep us numb
And under a somnambulant spell

Will we ever know the truth behind the bombings?
Probably not
But that's not the tragedy here
The tragedy is our failure to think for ourselves
An we believe everything we're told
And we persecute people without witnessing what they did
That's our failure
This has nothing to do with terrorism

We must break the spell
And just think
And be a free fucking human being
Apart from the lynch mob
Thinking is the best charity one can offer

I am not a conspiracy theorist
I am a human being
Somehow the former term
Got mixed up
And it stigmatized
The latter term

When did being a human being
Become a bad thing?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


by matt burns

Sometimes you wonder about the world
And there’s just thing after thing
After thing after thing
That makes you say we’re all screwed
The world seems so doomed
But when I walk down the street near my house, with my dog
I don’t see much doom and gloom
It all looks OK to me

My entire dark outlook on the world
Has come from TV and the news
It’s the news that paints such a dark depiction

If it was hundreds of years ago
I guess the world could be the same it is today
But there wouldn’t be any news
So I would walk down the street
See the trees blooming in the breeze
And the blue skies with puffy white clouds
And all would be well
The world would be just fine
And that would be the only world I knew

The only difference today
Is the news

Maybe the news is a form of psychological warfare
It exists to make us think the world is doomed
And we fear and loathe
And we get depressed
And we despair
And we get debilitated or even paralyzed
And we don’t do all that much
Because what’s the point?
And then we’re easier to control
And we’re easier to be turned into consumers
More easily turned into human resources

“Yeah, the world’s doomed
So just watch your reality TV
And talent shows
And football games 
Rot your brain
Because if you actually do something
It’s not going to be worth anything anyway”

I guess the wars are out there somewhere
And I guess so aren’t the murders and rapes
And the child molesters
And the thieves
The corrupt politicians
And the bad storms
And all the other indications of the

But when I walk down the street 
All is just fine
And that’s my reality
The reality portrayed in the news is constructed
Weaving separate threads of negativity together
To create one quilt of negative reality
But that reality is really just a construction
Not an actual reality

If you remove yourself from the news
And take a walk down your street
Really, the world is kind of OK


by matt burns

Everybody judges
It’s part of the survival instinct
When we were more primal
We needed to use those instincts
To discern between safety and danger
If you see a man wearing dark clothes
And a hood
With purple hair
Covered in tattoos
You avoid that man
Your instincts say he could be dangerous
This is judging
But good judging
It’s survival skills
Inherent in human nature

Bad judging
Is when you finally meet that man
The man in dark clothing
Covered in tattoos
Purple hair
And you talk to him
And realize he’s nice
And starts sending good vibes
But you still get away from him
Because you don’t want to be seen with him
And your friends would say ‘why are you with that man?’
And your fantasies didn’t ever envision you with that kind of man
A man with an appearance antithetical to your dream man
So you get away from the man
This is bad judging

Bad judging
Is denying your gut
That gut that picks up the good vibes
Yet you ignore the good vibes
Because your ego tells you to walk away
You don’t associate with men of such appearance
Your gut is plugged into God
And if your gut’s telling you everything is good
God is telling you everything is good
So if you deny your gut, you deny God
And that is the sin
That is the sin of judging

It is all about the gut
All judging that is good judging
Comes from the gut
Because a man could have a wonderful appearance
But your gut could be saying something is wrong with him
If you listen to the gut, you listen to God
Appearances are the devil’s game
If you listen to the appearance, you listen to the devil