Monday, January 26, 2015


NOTE: this is a very different "poem" from my usual material. Some may argue that it's not even a poem, but more like a random thought. Then again, what actually defines a "poem" anyway? If this is the form I want my poem to be in, then I say, screw it, this is the form it's going to be in, dude.

by matt burns

Sometimes you just don’t know when the stars are going to align. I randomly decided to go to Starbucks last night - around 8pm - to do a little writing with my laptop. I got a medium-roast coffee and set up shop in a comfortable corner. To my great delight, the store had an 80s playlist playing over the radio - it was one 80s pop tune after another. This is probably close to my idea of a heaven. Starbucks gives me the best of caffeine buzzes. When you combine that buzz with 80s music, the stars have most certainly aligned, my friend.

The thing about the stars aligning, though, is you can never anticipate or predict when it’s going to happen. You can’t plan for it. You can’t search for it. It just happens, when you least expect it. And the bliss you experience can never be purposefully sought back out and relived. You cannot make a sequel out of it. You just have to go back about your life and realize that you will experience bliss like that again, but it’s going to happen when you’re searching for it the least.

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