Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Can't believe this
Here I am
Wrestling Death
Face to face
I've heard about this
But now here I am
Doing it myself
Struggling so hard
He's laughing in my face
I keep fighting him
He keeps laughing
I cry like a bitch
I don't want to die

So much time I wasted
Being depressed
Being dissatisfied with life
Fuck that
I will never be depressed again
Fuck depression
Why would I want to die?
What was I thinking?
The reality of death is so scary
This is so fucked

I want this to stop now
I want to go for a walk
In the woods
That's good enough for me
I wanted so much more before
Felt I deserved much more
Now I just want to walk
And breathe
Dig my hands into dirt
And breathe
That's all I care about
The smallest things in life
So precious
I took it all for granted
I know, sounds so cliche
You've heard this over
And over
People like me can tell you
"Don't take life for granted"
But you must experience it yourself
You must wrestle death yourself
Even though this is so fucked

I want to breathe now
And walk in the woods
And feel the dirt

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